Tantal + Titan
Die Ringe bestehen teils aus Tantal und teils aus Titan.
Dieser Materialmix ist einzigartig
Wir nennen es: Tantal - küsst - Titan
Tantal ist ein selten vorkommendes, duktiles, graphitgraues, glänzendes Übergangsmetall. Es ist durch seine Seltenheit und seine besonders vorteilhaften Eigenschaften wertvoll Die Verarbeitung von Tantal ist auf Grund seiner extremen Härte schwierig und nur mit speziellen Diamantwerkzeugen verarbeitbar.
Standardring ♀︎
AAAAA-Zirkonia hochwertiger Zirkonia mit Hochglanzeffekt
Sonderanfertigung möglich:
mit Diamanten bestellbar unter Button "Dame Stein"
Die Ringe bestehen teils aus Tantal und teils aus Titan.
Dieser Materialmix ist einzigartig
Wir nennen es: Tantal - küsst - Titan
Tantal ist ein selten vorkommendes, duktiles, graphitgraues, glänzendes Übergangsmetall. Es ist durch seine Seltenheit und seine besonders vorteilhaften Eigenschaften wertvoll Die Verarbeitung von Tantal ist auf Grund seiner extremen Härte schwierig und nur mit speziellen Diamantwerkzeugen verarbeitbar.
Standardring ♀︎
AAAAA-Zirkonia hochwertiger Zirkonia mit Hochglanzeffekt
Sonderanfertigung möglich:
mit Diamanten bestellbar unter Button "Dame Stein"
tantalum + titanium
The rings are made partly of tantalum and partly of titanium.
This mix of materials is unique
We call it: tantalum - kisses - titanium
Tantalum is a rare, ductile, graphite-grey, shiny transition metal. It is valuable due to its rarity and its particularly favourable properties. Due to its extreme hardness, tantalum is difficult to work with and can only be processed using special diamond tools.
Standard ring ♀︎
AAAAA zirconia high-quality zirconia with high lustre effect
Customised design possible:
can be ordered with diamonds under the "Lady stone" button
The rings are made partly of tantalum and partly of titanium.
This mix of materials is unique
We call it: tantalum - kisses - titanium
Tantalum is a rare, ductile, graphite-grey, shiny transition metal. It is valuable due to its rarity and its particularly favourable properties. Due to its extreme hardness, tantalum is difficult to work with and can only be processed using special diamond tools.
Standard ring ♀︎
AAAAA zirconia high-quality zirconia with high lustre effect
Customised design possible:
can be ordered with diamonds under the "Lady stone" button
♀︎ Breite / width | ♂︎ Breite / width |
5,6 mm | 5,6 mm |
♀︎ Höhe / thickness | ♂︎ Höhe / thickness |
1,89 mm | 1,89 mm |
Tantalum and titanium rings
- Rings always available in even sizes 48, 50, 52, 54 ... 72, 74, 76 can be ordered.
- All rings are strongly cambered on the inside so that one size always fits.
- Delivery exclusively from stock. Always available immediately.
- No customisation possible. Can only be ordered as specified in the B2B shop.
- Our 14K IP coating is of high quality
- can be ordered with diamonds specified under button: "Lady stone" + 9 working days
- All rings are produced exclusively in high quality.
- Any engravings are lasered to a high standard. Engraving prices can be viewed under Button: Engraving costs.
- We process all orders very quickly, so orders can usually not be changed or cancelled after 10 minutes.
- all deliveries plus shipping costs and possibly plus engraving costs. You can see the prices in the info list.
- EU customers receive a tax-free intra-community delivery according to §4 No. 1b in conjunction with §6a UStG.
- All rings are strongly cambered on the inside so that one size always fits.
- Delivery exclusively from stock. Always available immediately.
- No customisation possible. Can only be ordered as specified in the B2B shop.
- Our 14K IP coating is of high quality
- can be ordered with diamonds specified under button: "Lady stone" + 9 working days
- All rings are produced exclusively in high quality.
- Any engravings are lasered to a high standard. Engraving prices can be viewed under Button: Engraving costs.
- We process all orders very quickly, so orders can usually not be changed or cancelled after 10 minutes.
- all deliveries plus shipping costs and possibly plus engraving costs. You can see the prices in the info list.
- EU customers receive a tax-free intra-community delivery according to §4 No. 1b in conjunction with §6a UStG.